Tuesday 20 March 2007

Letting you know I'm still here...

Ok, so this blog has just begun and I've struggled to make my second post in good time :P...
Anyway, I've had some interest in my XNA video/animation library from other developers, and a few possible improvements have come up through my own ideas and those of others. Expect an optional sound stream and even screenshot video capturing in the near future (no guarantee yet though!). My engine demo is slowly improvement and I'll be making a "playable" release (if we're lucky with some fancy particle effects too! - based on the Mercury Particle Engine). With remoting, that's on hold for a while, thanks to the complete lack of information to pass complex types, as I ranted about in my previous post. In, summary, apart from this little bit of XNA you can't expect much for certain, but I will do my best to guarantee that it will be a useful and extensible add-on to any XNA game!